


イメージ的には、以前書いた 在宅勤務の1日 - えいのうにっき のその後、みたいなかんじ。




appengine standard v1 (generation 1) から v2 に移行するためにやったこと

先日、以下のようなメールが Google Cloud から来ており。

Hello 大輔,

We are writing to let you know that we have introduced a lifecycle policy for language runtimes on App Engine Standard, generations 1 and 2 .

## What do I need to know?
The lifecycle policy for language runtimes on App Engine Standard will provide you with information on the duration of support for runtimes and what to expect when a runtime reaches End of Support. Please be advised there is no immediate impact to your current workloads. However, we recommend reviewing the policy as there may be implications if your workload is using an End of Support language runtime.

## What do I need to do?
Review the lifecycle policy and support schedule for the language runtimes in App Engine Standard Generations 1 and 2. We advise you to make plans to migrate your application to a newer runtime if your application’s current runtime is approaching an End of Support date e.g. Python 2.7, Java 8, PHP 5.5

For Gen 1 customers who require additional time to perform their migration, Google may permit your Organization to re-enable deployments in End of Support runtimes, subject to service specific terms and conditions.

片手間の趣味活動で appengine を触っている身としては、appengine standard と legacy の線引きは非常にややこしく、かつポリシーが流動的(であった時期があった?)で、本当に雰囲気でしか把握できていなかったのだけど、その把握していた内容としては以下のとおり。対応するドキュメントとしては多分 App Engine standard environment runtimes  |  Google App Engine standard environment docs  |  Google Cloud このあたり。間違ったこと書いてたらすみません!
